Lookup results: 905-541-2438

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  • Phone: 905-541-2438
  • Type: Cellphone
  • Address: Hamilton, ON
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8 March 2016 , Caller Type: Prank Caller , Caller Name: I don't know but I'm informing the cops
This clown called 3 times in 7 minutes! First time, I don't know what he wanted, so we exchanged words and I hung up. The second time, he said he was "Andy" from ****** (my husband's employment), and he needed to speak to him. He knew my husband;s name and where he works. I told him he was still on his trip. He asked "what trip?" I told him, if he was from his company than he should know where!
The third time he called, he apologized for the first two calls and told me that actually my husband was in the hospital and he asked him to contact me and tell me that he was ok. I asked if it was a joke, and he said no. I was now getting frantic, as my husband is a truck driver and there was no way of me knowing. He told me that he broke his arm, but he was ok. When he heard I was getting upset, he confessed that it was a joke.


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