Lookup results: 908-668-1824

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  • Phone: 908-668-1824
  • Type: Landline
  • Address: Plainfield, NJ
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23 September 2020 , Caller Type: Scammer/Fraudster , Caller Name: GARCIA AMERICO
This person GARCIA AMERICO (told her his name was MICHAEL) called my house repeated and convinced my daughter our computer was contacting their computer and saying there was a systems error- He convinced her to log on to a website of theirs and he gained access to our computer- She panicked and hung up when realized he had gained access to computer, she then turned off and disconnected the computer system- This GUPTA called our home times one day and then called again the following day, in which I intercepted the call and explained to him we reported him to the FBI scam alert

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