Lookup results: 916-282-3129

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  • Phone: 916-282-3129
  • Type: Landline
  • Address: Sacramento, CA
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22 August 2012 , Caller Type: Collection Agency , Caller Name: Attorney David Cooper
A man has been hurrassing me wanting to speak to my husband he won't tell me why he just keeps repeating himself. I got feed up and yelled and swore at him through the phone. That's when he told me my husband was being sued.....He wouldn't tell me why or anything. My father just had a stroke and I don't know how many more phone calls from this number I can take. We have received nothing through the mail about this just phone calls. I looked up the number online and there are several people this number has called and they all say it's a scam. I honestly don't know why any one would want to say my husband is being sued...So I also think it's a scam. The number that the calls have came from is 818 284 4434 when I called it back the man sounded like the man that had been calling he said he was with the federal trade something another and then he later said he represented attorney David Cooper.

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