4.5.2023 Potential Spam didn?t leave a message, INTELIQUENT VOIP number WHITLOW, AZ. Calling anonymously Thank you for your call, please press #1 to be connected to the party you are calling. #1, This call can not be completed at this time, please try you call later. When I called with a different number the recording said: This call can not be completed at this time, please try you call later, thank you.
Sending fake texts to confirm doctor's appointments. Apparently, I had an appointment with "Hawkeye Pierce, MD, in Rome, GA. I live in Texas, and last I checked, that was Alan Alda's character in MASH.
This is such a waste of time, as it clearly is not a free reverse phone lookup tool. It redirects to a fee based roll of the dice web-site akin to Spokeo, Intelius, Been verified, etc. STOP FALSELY ADVERTISING THIS IS A "FREE REVERSE PHONE LOOKUP" as it clearly is NOT!
Phone Number: 541-616-4789
Date of this Report: April 03, 2023
Phone Line Type: LANDLINE
Phone Company: EASTERN
Phone Location: BOARDMAN, OR
Likely scammer. Said they were Verizon Wireless Fraud prevention team and asking if I recognized a charge for $9.99 but reverse lookup shows it is an unpublished landline
I received a text from my prior employer, a series of “friendly” messages and then a request to take care of surprise gifts for staff.
I'm planning to surprise some dedicated members of staff with gifts and I will like you to handle this for me. I will get back to you with the full details. Let me know if you can take care of this.
Unwanted TEXT Mar30, 2033 0952. Hello Xxxxxx, this is Tyler at HBuyers and we are interested in buying your property at 0000 X 00Th Ave. Please text back if interested. Reply STOP for opt-out. INTELIQUENT VOIP number near NOGALES, AZ. SpyDialed the phone number you are calling from is unrecognized, goodbye. A similar number Texted 10 days ago 520-264-5922 3/20 Nogales AZ no name provided other than HBuyers. Tyler apparently lives all over southern AZ based on reverse look up and over the past few months I receive texts every 10 to 15 days.
Call came in a little after 9:30 AM (!) but left no message, and there was NO caller ID. When I looked the # up, there was ALREADY a report on NoMoRobo.com that it's a solar power spam call....
Date of this Report: April 04, 2023
Phone Line Type: VOIP
Phone Company: TWILIO
Phone Location: ALBANY, OR
Phone Number: 541-616-4789
Date of this Report: April 03, 2023
Phone Line Type: LANDLINE
Phone Company: EASTERN
Phone Location: BOARDMAN, OR
I'm planning to surprise some dedicated members of staff with gifts and I will like you to handle this for me. I will get back to you with the full details. Let me know if you can take care of this.