Her message was garbled, but I could only make out that she was calling from ________ docket and was following up on an email she sent me. I did not receive an email from her.
9.8.2022 1012; Declined call from Fort Smith AR, no voicemail left. Called back anonymously with a different number as well as unblocked: We’re sorry you have reached a number that has been disconnected or is no longer in service. Odd all reverse lookup's say this number is valid.
Caller who identifies as Steven solicits donations for "fireman's association". Caller ID number is 828-510-1814. Even that might be fraudulent.
Call return plays a recorded message with option to be removed from call list. To be removed, one must submit name, address, phone number and e-mail address.
Please do not fall for this number if you will be investing in companies such as trading and investment type of companies where this caller will text you via Whatsapp and even call you claiming to be a big well known Crypto Broker. Its all just a scam to get money out of your pockets to theirs.
Received a text from 7402029430 stating they were my bank and needed my information. This is a scam number trying to get banking information. If it were my bank it would have been easily verified.
1850 9.7.2022. No voicemail left from(Potential Spam) Dynata, Inteliquent Maricopa AZ, phone number made to look like it is from Tucson AZ. Returned call anonymously: Thank you for calling Dynata, if you recently missed us we tried to contact you to participate in a survey we are not selling anything or asking for a donation we appreciate your participation in our research and value opinion, you receive addition calls from us as a follow up …..
I received a text from a number that doesn't exist regarding an $800 purchase I did NOT make. This 818 number is listed as the "If not you, please contact us" number.
Obviously a scam, and I'll be reporting both numbers to the FTC. The Feds can figure it out.
Wanted to talk about some janitorial cleaning and said he has 20 advisers if I called back at this number. The number was left in the voicemail, while the phone number he was calling from was displayed as ‘Unknown’.
Sent text claiming my USPS package is being held for incorrect address. Link attached to “fix” the problem. Did not click but this is definitely a scam.
Call return plays a recorded message with option to be removed from call list. To be removed, one must submit name, address, phone number and e-mail address.
Obviously a scam, and I'll be reporting both numbers to the FTC. The Feds can figure it out.
My phone shows "bank-mobile-alert-251@vservice.com as the email address it was sent from.