Text asking if I still lived in X state and that they were coming to visit. I can't find the caller name using any reverse phone lookup services that are free. This one "Phone Lookup" unfortunately is not very useful as when I looked up my relatives phone numbers they all were "unpublished" (they aren't) and even many local businesses that I tested it on they didn't find. Phone Lookup only found one of the 3 businesses that I looked up so not as useful as I hoped it would be. I hope they improve their data base searches.
Whole lot of calls recently from random numbers in the 901 area code, all of which leave a 5-second BLANK voicemail. If you answer them, they hang up. Calling them back gets a voicemail with different names. No idea WHAT this is about, but they all need to knock it off.
A male (no distinguishing accent; i.e. not strongly southern, northern, or mid-western, maybe southeastern) called, addressing me by both first and last name, said he's calling from Easy Travel services (I have had NO prior business with this company, I am on the do NOT call list, and have NOT given out my phone number for any travel related activity) When I said I do not accept (did not even get to finish my sentence) he hung up on me. It is apparently a SCAM considering how quick he was to hang up when he realized I wasn't going to buy into this false claim. I cannot find any information about the supposed name of company he gave.
Why are you calling us at 7:32 am? We do not know you. 602-239-4755. If you are a telemarketer aren't you supposed to wait until after 8am? Totally annoying.
Scam. “Hi this is Jennifer calling with the funding department at business loan services I'm following up on a piece of mail we sent your company regarding a preapproval for a business line of credit up to $145,000 with rates starting at a 4.9% your personal credit score is not a factor this preapproval is based on your business industry and cash flow however it is imperative that I speak with you as soon as possible before the preapproval expires you can reach me directly at 888-278-3953 again my number is 888-278-3953 I look forward to speaking with you and I hope you have a great day…”
Associated numbers: 901-437-1813, 901-485-0565, 901-469-1001, 901-428-4284, 901-454-7122, 901-487-5523, 901-457-7864