Latest Comments - Page 242

Anonymous about 817-406-0941
7 July 2021
i get calls 10 times a day about benfits daily
Mike Lake about 704-219-0470
7 July 2021
Something about my order was shipped.
Anonymous about 443-393-3154
7 July 2021
Scammer left multiple blank voicemails
Anonymous about 321-214-7346
6 July 2021
They called and ask for Amazon credentials.
Anonymous about 517-991-2946
5 July 2021
Call said my power service thru consumers was going to be inturuped in 30 mins. Due to a bill. SPAM. I dont have an account with consumers power.
Anonymous about 860-576-4160
5 July 2021
calls and hangs up no message
Anonymous about 956-340-9942
3 July 2021
This person is a catfish with multiple identities. Do NOT TRUST
Anonymous about 515-207-5354
2 July 2021
Calls daily hang up as soon as you pick up. When you call back it is not a working number. This has been going on for months.
Anonymous about 205-821-8930
2 July 2021
nothing but just test
Anonymous about 715-368-2285
1 July 2021
This number calls every day, 10 to 12 times a day.
Make it stop!
LM Dunn about 919-880-7010
1 July 2021
receiving text from this number
Anonymous about 877-706-4167
1 July 2021
came up as spam so what to see you might be calling
Anonymous about 314-285-2711
1 July 2021
i dont know just tell me what this is
Polk Co. Aging Programs about 715-485-8599
30 June 2021
This is the wrong number for Polk Co. Aging Programs as that has been reassigned to another agency. Aging programs: 715-485-8449
Anonymous about 502-688-5377
30 June 2021
Calls and hangs up.
Mike about 862-208-4584
30 June 2021
Can you verify this phone belongs to Berkshire Consulting ?
28 June 2021
1:30pm from Freehold on my cell phone .. She said "Collecting money for the autistic foundation" .. She hung up fast after I avoided her asking for $ .. Scammer assumed since my town is the highest scammed one in the county here!
Anonymous about 973-615-7076
28 June 2021
Text stating my contacts and photos are trying to be accessed and to download and save files to them.
Anonymous about 512-576-7062
27 June 2021
Person left phone number as interested in a car we have for sale
Anonymous about 419-417-3355
26 June 2021
Obscene text msg. How did they get my number? It is disgusting
Anonymous about 509-470-4224
26 June 2021
Called at 330 am. I attempted to call back and vm was not set up
Robertssz about 405-247-3821
26 June 2021
Доброго времени суток друзья

Роторное бурение
Роторное Бурение
(Бурение с промывкой или продувкой)

Результат 100%
При таком способе бурения используется оборудования вращательного типа. Порода разрушается специальным инструментом долотом. В результате поступательно-вращательных движений, оборудование постепенно заглубляется, а почва из забоя выводится наружу глиняным раствором, водой или сжатым воздухом. Применяется для бурения как мягких, так и твёрдых пород на довольно большую глубину. Скважины, сделанные роторным способом имеют более продолжительный срок службы.

Роторное Бурение в нашей организации стоит от 60 рублей за метр погонный.
Anonymous about 360-384-7064
26 June 2021
Tried to tell me there were issues with my Amazon account & that I owe money, but I don’t even have an Amazon account.
Anonymous about 813-508-5319
25 June 2021
Keeps calling my cell phone and just changed number with TMobile??
Anonymous about 530-377-9477
25 June 2021
I had just posted something for sale on Facebook then they instantly messaged me asked for my number to verify I was real so I did then they said they were sending me a verification code and said send them the code well here is a Google verification code to access my Google account!!
Anonymous about 740-701-0573
25 June 2021
Why does this person keep calling ?
Anonymous about 205-857-3023
25 June 2021
This person is using a fake website called to scam people out of money. This site looks legit until you start reading the reviews and their terms of service. They are scamming people by authorizing payments on credit cards that were not completed by the customer. They are also claiming to be an actual business when the “customer service” number is a non-toll free landline number from a residential area of Thorsby, AL. There is no actual business address located anywhere on their site, just the 205 area code number.
Don james about 208-242-9415
25 June 2021
Hello baby how are you was your night
Anonymous about 918-314-8180
24 June 2021
Who called me I am curious and would really like to know
Anonymous about 512-475-3250
24 June 2021
He got alot of land. County weird
Anonymous about 732-370-1946
24 June 2021
want to know whos number this is.
Anonymous about 800-258-3134
24 June 2021
This phone is posing as a helpline for Popsockets.
Anonymous about 325-340-3548
23 June 2021
Said Social security is filing charges under my number
Anonymous about 765-231-2663
23 June 2021
offers people for pay
Anonymous about 702-218-0255
23 June 2021
someone called from this number and said to hit 1 to talk to a rep or face legal action. I havent even been to las vegas..
Anonymous about 800-624-6493
23 June 2021
Told my electric will be disconnected
Anonymous about 956-799-9863
22 June 2021
Unknown number asking me to press one if I want to talk to an administrator. Legal action will be taken?
M Smith about 517-234-4336
22 June 2021
They keep calling my office number and its a fax tone every time we answer. We tried blocking with no success
Anonymous about 740-224-5382
21 June 2021
Pfishing for property via a text message
Anonymous about 402-933-9118
21 June 2021
called at 8:15 AM something about house repair!! SCAM
Anonymous about 567-243-3749
21 June 2021
Be aware, this number is to scam people, she claim to be a woman, and will try to get u to send her money by an app
Anonymous about 573-284-5535
21 June 2021
Accused me of stealing a car? I have no idea who they are, I called and it went to google.
Donaldvkd about 707-824-2007
19 June 2021
Здравствуйте друзья
Обустройство скважины с адаптером Рассмотрим пошаговый процесс монтажа адаптера
Раскапывают траншею глубиной ниже уровня замерзания (1,5-2 метра) и шириной 0,5 метров для удобства монтажа.
В обсадной трубе сверлят отверстие требуемого диаметра и обрабатывают его края.
Подготавливают адаптер: сначала его очищают от технологической смазки, затем для надежной фиксации обрабатывают герметиком уплотнительные кольца.
В обсадную трубу опускают адаптер , используя Т-образный ключ. Резьбовую часть заводят в подготовленное отверстие. Затем обе части конструкции соединяют между собой.
К погружному насосу подключают питающий и греющий кабель. Верх обсадной трубы обрезают и закрывают крышкой.
Монтируются вспомогательные приборы.
Проверка работоспособности системы и ее герметичности.
Засыпают траншею песком.
Монтаж завершен.
Anonymous about 732-876-7662
18 June 2021
May be legitimate call
Anonymous about 619-784-9631
18 June 2021
She is going to sue me.
Anonymous about 214-870-8494
18 June 2021
Keeps calling me and I have no idea who it is
Anonymous about 702-487-3528
17 June 2021
Goes to my voicemail and then just sits and clicks, makes noises, never speaks. Can hear background noise (seems from a house). Very suspicious.
17 June 2021
6/17/21 .. 10:02am .. 1 ring ~ no message .. SCAMMER ASSUMED!.. 7 or 1 105
17 June 2021
6/17/21 .. 10:02am .. 1 ring ~ no message .. SCAMMER ASSUMED!
jason ames about 337-240-0033
17 June 2021
need to see who this is
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