This is a constantly changing number from a group proclaiming they want to sell you extended auto warranty insurance. They continually change the phone number they call from and are trying to get a hold of your ID and Financial information. These people are nothing but scammers on a "phishing" expedition so BEWARE!
Showed up on my cell screen pretending to be the tel. # for voicemail. I knew it was wrong, did not click on it to pick up my voicemail. A near thing, too, I almost did click, good thing I knew it wasn't correct - wow what a scam, they can harvest numbers by the boatload... ~~~~>:[
Left message claiming to be an officer for my daughter but called her “Mr” and someone using “his” identity and he needed to have his lawyer call back or a warrant would be issued asap.
Sent me a screen shot picture of someone's penis asking if it was my husband. The man's last name in the picture is the same as my maiden name. They wouldn't tell me who they were. Asked if I knew who his wife is and if I had a number. Bizarre!
Called this number about an apartment in Brenham TX. He said he travels a lot and wanted ID and license plates to view the apartment and then he would give me a code. Sounded REALLY FISHY
Possible scammer, possible RE investor. Think they troll tax records for undervalued properties. Unsolicited SMS message to my private cell number. Unwilling to give last name. If you're legit, you give your name.
Multiple spam calls from "573-305" numbers. I always reject them and then block them. I have slipped and forgot to block them. They then will try the same number again (sometimes). It's about some medical insurance they are trying to sell.
auto warranty ROBO spam call
This is one of many numbers they call from. They don’t normally leave message. They call from various area codes. Maybe spoofed number block?
"Your Credit Score Just Dropped" and a link was attached.
This is one of many numbers they call from. They don’t normally leave message. They call from various area codes. Maybe spoofed number block?