cash advance usa they say they loan you money every time you try to pick up the loan they fake call with your banks number or the irs they got me for 700 dollars.
This lady is a scam artist that likes to listen to gossip and try to get free food and uses this number as a contact number. She is a repeat offender of fast food establishments and uses her employment within the Hernando County Government Organization to add credibility to her list of rude services provided to her! Her position is minimal at best and is no one of any consequence. She is a single lonely lady that needs to make others miserable and is NOT worth the time of day. Lets help her get the help she needs from a real psychiatric professional.
They claim I owe taxes to IRS a warrant Within 2 hours will be activate for my arrest If I don’t PAY money in a Debit cart I call the police talk to them and the run off Don take them serious Don’t be scare, they are scam artists
It's a spammer.
very believable. Call originates in Jamaica.